A collection of debate between Sunnis and Shias on various topics:
- Yasser Al-Alaei vs. Shabir (Maiwand) Burhani
The subject of this debate was if Ali or Abu Bakr were supposed to be the first caliph of Islam. The debate is in Norwegian but has since been translated into English. Interestingly the Sunni speaker continuously denied his own texts and weakened them. He demanded proof be given from Bukhari and Muslim and even then he denied them. At the end the speaker even praises the Taliban fighters.
- Mohammed Hijab vs. Sayyid Haamid
The subject of this debate is the successors to Rasulallah (saw). References given in the debate are given in a document in the video description. Note: Mohammed Hijab decided to cut the debate recording short by about 10 minutes when he uploaded it to his personal channel because he got smashed. Also, notice that at times it was 5 Sunnis vs 1 Shia.
- Sayed Ali Al-Shobayri vs. Mohammed Hijab
The subjects of this debate were:
1. The preservation of the Holy Quran, in light of Shia and "Sunni" literature
2. The status of the Sahaba (companions of Prophet Muhammad)
3. The concept of Imamah (divinely-appointed leadership)
Be sure to read the description of the video as it gives insight to the sly tactics of the Sunni side, as well as some commentary on specific parts of the debate.
- Zain Rizvi (Shia Bladerunner) vs. Mohammed Hijab
Subjects of this debate were many and included Ali vs the Sahaba, the battle of Jamal, and other topics of contention between the two schools of thought. At one point Mohammed Hijab conceded that Imam Ali was on the haqq, and that if he were there he would choose the side of Ali.
- Zain Rizvi (Shia Bladerunner) vs Muhammad Tawheed
The topic of this debate was Khilafah in the Sunni view. They debate the criteria for identifying a caliph on earth as God's representative. They also debate on whether it is an usool e deen to believe in the Sunni version of Khilafah or not.
- Zain Rizvi bs Abdul Hamid
This debate was on the topic of tawassul (seeking intercession) and using intermediaries. The debate explores the concept in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. The shia debater also argues for its permissibly based on several logical and textual references such as the hadith of the blind man in order to refute his opponent.
- Zain Rizvi (Shia Bladerunner) vs Abdul Hameed
This debate was on the topic of Imamah of the 12 Imams and the proofs for such in the Quran and the Hadith. Unfortunately the debate ethics of Abdul Hameed were exposed in this confrontation, very rude mannerisms and continuous interruptions - However the truth was still manifested.
- Zain Rizvi (Shia Bladerunner) vs Sunni Brother from Hyde Park
The topic of the debate was the logic of following the companions, the Khawarij and Muawiyah. Zain completely schools him as the sunni is left clutching at straws.
- Raza Rizvi (The Razor) vs Bro Hajji
This debate took place in speakers corner on the topic of distortion of the Quran. Both sides argued that the opposing sect believed in a textual distortion of the Quran. In this debate Bro Hajji says he believes in the story of the satanic verses (the story in which the holy prophet allegedly became possessed and began to endorse worship of a pre-islamic pagan god). Additionally, in the last 10 minutes the Sunni congregation failed to disprove distortion occurred in the verse of stoning and suckling. The narration clearly says that that 10 suckles were replaced with 5 in the Quran but in the present Quran there is no such verse.
- Sayed Ali vs Mumtaz Al Haq
The phone discussion recorded here was on the topic of Adaalah (justice) of the Sahaba. The actions and uprightness of the companions of the prophet were put to question. The Revisiting The Salaf team put together in article in regards to this debate with the relevant proofs that were mentioned in the debate. That article can be found here.
- Sayed Ali vs Mumtaz Al Haq
The subject of this discussion was on who was responsible for killing Imam Al Husain a.s. in Karbala. The sunni assertions against the shia in regards to this were put to rest. Like the previous debate the relevant proofs have been listed in an article on the Revisiting The Salaf website here.
- Sayed Ali vs Aamir Ibrahim Al-Ash'ari
This topic was on if Sayeda Fatimah did infact die angry with Abu Bakr. The main discussion surrounds the narrations that say that she did infact pass away angry at him (that can be found in Sahih al Bukhari) as well as other references provided by both sides.
- Sayed Ali vs Aamir Ibrahim Al-Ash'ari
The calamity of Thursday is the name of the event that occurred shortly before the death of Rasulallah (saw). It is also known as the event of the pen and paper (Hadith Al Qirtas). In this debate they argue over whether Umar ibn Al Khattab did indeed insult the prophet of Allah by referring to him as delirious and "speaking nonsense" shortly before he was denied a pen and paper for writing his will.
- Sheikh Ahmad Salman vs Ashraf Ghareeb
Topic of this debate was on Imammah. Sheikh Ahmad asserted and successfully proved to his frustrated and sly opponent that Imammah is a concept in both schools, and that sunnis believe in a form of Imammah that is so important that if one were to reject it that they would fall into kufr entirely.
- Sheikh Hassan Allahyari vs Darul Iftaa Zahedan Molvi
This short but powerful debate highlights the inconsistencies in the Sunni arguments against shias.
Using verse (66:10) of the Quran Sheikh Allahyari frustrates the Sunni Iranian molvi and leaves him struggling to answer.
- Sheikh Yasser Al Habib vs Waleed Isma'eel
A super interesting debate concerning the hypocrisy of Aisha bint Abu Bakr, the allegation was proven thoroughly by Sheikh Al Habib.
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