Below is a list of all of our articles in alphabetical order.
Abu Bakr did NOT lead Fatimah's Janaza
Abu Hanifa's filthy beliefs exposed
Abu Hanifa on Worshipping Sandals
A list of some Sunni-to-Shia converts
Ali The Guide to Siratul Mustaqim [1:6]
Asking for evidence from only the Quran: Innovation, Disbelief and Apostasy
Imamah: Ali is the Guide (Al-Hadi) [13:7]
Imam Ali Cursed Umar (Shia Book)
Imam Ali: Siddiq Akbar (Greatest Truth-Teller)
Imam Ali vs Umar: Stoning
Imam Malik says it's disliked to pray on anything other than organic material
Insulting the people of bid'ah (innovation) - OBLIGATORY
Imam Sadiq cursed four people after every prayer
Islam and the Institution of Slavery
Scholars: Are Sunnis Really Our Brothers?
Shia Disassociation From Abu Bakr and Umar
Shias in Egypt are Growing.
Sunni Books Permitting Nikkah Al Mut'ah
Sunni Scholar's Racist view of the Zanj
Sunnis, the Salaf, and Supreme Sexual Deviance
Sunni vs Shia Debates: A collection
The Curious Case of ‘Ayatollah’ Borqei
The Enemies of Ahlulbayt are Bastards
The Enemies of Ali, and their Supporters are Kuffar
The Filth of Mu'awiyah and Yazid (NSFW)
The Hadith of the Two Successors (Khalifatayn)
The Kufr of those who fight the Imam
The Merits of Destroying the Nawasib
The Nawasib are Penetrated by Satan
The Sign of the Shiites - Cursing the Misguided Sahaba
The three types of people when it comes to Wilayah
This Ummah Will Betray Ali After The Prophets Death
The Warriors of Ahlus Sunnah
True Irfan: The Friends of Allah and the Enemies of Allah
Umar admits his lack of knowledge
Umar and his miracle of Ilm al Ghayb
Umar and his perversions
Umar Ibn Al Khattab was Ugly
Umar Ran from the battle of Uhud
Umar the Rapist
Umar’s threat to Fatimah: A Complete Resource
Umar wished that he was Feces
Uthman the effeminate dancer
may Allah reward you for defending the AhlulBayt (صلوات الله علیهم اجمعین).
ReplyDeleteThank you brother :)
Deleteassalamualaikum, is the refutations tab in the process of being made. There are a few topics that I'm interest
ReplyDeleteWell yeah I was gonna make it but then forgot about it for a very long time. Yesterday I put the under construction note on the page because I intend to add links. If you want to mention what topics I should add you can let me know and when I have free time (rare these days) I can try to work on it!!
DeleteAssalamualaikum, sorry for the late reply brother. To answer your question, I would say it would be interesting for you to refute allegations about shia kufans betraying Imam Hussein (as), when in fact, their own thiqat sahabis killed him on Yazid's (la) army. Also, you could tackle the event of Umar "marrying" Umm Kulthum bint Ali (as). Thank you brother.
DeleteBrother doesn’t Sadiq Shirazi support Shi’a government
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know he believes that the only legitimate government is the government of Imam Al Mahdi (as) that we should be preparing for. There are many different narrations about how any government before the Imam comes will be a false and illegitimate. If you want, there is a book by Sayed Shirazi on his political views you can read called Politics: the very Heart of Islam. I have it in paper back but there's a PDF version I could possibly upload.
DeleteI cant open many articles like "Homosexuality of Sunni Caliphs" can you help me?
ReplyDeleteits been updated
DeleteShia practice includes Zoroastrianism magian likes celebrated nowruz,yalda, jump over 🔥, talisman recite on necklace, and more, I had seen often Iran Shia wear faravahar(magian) belong to Zoroastrian practice. I decide rejected regarding to Shia practice bid’ah too much !
DeleteSalam can you refute Farid and please prove our narrations are not narrated by Ghulat of Kufa. How we prove Imamah and did Sahaba believe in Infalliablily of Ahlulbayt
ReplyDeleteIt seems like the article "Umars threat to Fatima" is not working. Can you fix it?
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