The Enemies of Ahlulbayt are Bastards

The enemies of the Ahlulbayt are of impure lineage (bastards)

The Sahaba even agreed, they’d know a bastard was a bastard simply from his hatred of Ahlulbayt (nasb). Mahbub ibn Abu Al-Zannad: “The Ansaar used to say: We knew the illegitimate born people (bastards) by the enmity and hatred they showed to Ali ibn Abi Talib (as).”

Shias also believe that we are the only ones who have legitimate birth in Islamic law. Being called by the name of your mother, as opposed to your father's name was an Arab custom to cast aspersions on your lineage, saying it's not proven who your father was. For example Ubaydallah Ibn Ziyad (LA), one of the key players in the killing of Imam Husain (AS) is referred to as Ibn Marjana for the same reason. Marjana, his mother, was a famous whore.

“And when judgement day will come, people will be called by their names and names of their mothers, except our Shia. They would be called by their names and names of their fathers due to the PURITY OF THEIR BIRTH.” [Tasliyah al-Fuad fi bayan al-Mawt wal Maad p 163]

Lastly, other Shia scholars attest that the Imams (AS) used to consider the mukhalifeen (literally opponents, a term for the Sunnis) as illegitimately born (bastards), and that slandering them was permissible.

“I say (Al Bahraini): From the clearest of clear permissions of backbiting the opponents (Sunnis), is the Imam’s (as) mockery of them, calling them the children of adultery.” [Haqaiq an-Nadira by Al Bahrani]

Another enemy of Ahlulbayt (AS) who is famously known to be a bastard, who's father is unknown (his mother was a town prostitute who would sleep with so many men that they couldn't keep track) is Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (More aptly referred to as Muawiyah bin Hind). Even the Sunnis record that he had upwards of 5 possible fathers.

Sunni Historian Al Zamakshari writes:

'It was said that one of these men is the father of Muawiyah (in addition to Abu Sufyan): “Musafir bin Amr”, “Amarah bin Walid bin Mughirah Makhzumi”, “Abbas bin abd al-Mattalib” and “Sabbah”.

[Rabi’ al-Abrar”- vol. 4, p 274 – 275]


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